304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
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La naturaleza especial de los productos artesanales se basa en sus características distintivas, que pueden ser utilitarias, estéticas, artísticas, creativas, vinculadas a la cultura, decorativas, funcionales, tradicionales, simbólicas y significativas religiosa y socialmente”.


The last census of alpacas in Peru was carried out in 2022, where it was announced that Peru has the largest population of alpacas in the world, which is equivalent to 87% of existing specimens, being of vital importance for the economic development of the country, so the government carries out constant activities to promote the breeding, production, conservation and commercialization of this species. Camelids are not only of vital importance in Peru, but worldwide, which is why the UN declared the year 2024 as the “INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF CAMELIDS”. Puno leads the breeding of alpacas with more than 50%, followed by Cusco, Arequipa and Huancavelica. Existing 02 breeds of alpacas: The Huacaya Alpaca and the Suri alpaca. The Huacaya breed is more predominant with approximately 85% of the total alpacas in Peru, with abundant fiber that covers the body, neck and legs. The legs and head are covered with short fiber, and the rest of the body is longer and curly; fiber growth per year is 9 to 12 cm. Of length. In the Suri breed, the growth of the fiber is 10 to 20 cm. This breed is characterized by having a straight, long, slightly wavy and silky fiber, with a fleece that hangs from the back on both sides of the body.


Peru is blessed to have MachupIcchu as one of the 07 Wonders of the World, in addition to having a large amount of natural and historical riches that make it an inevitable visit destination for every tourist. One of the wonders we have is the alpaca that abounds in the areas of the Peruvian mountains at more than 3,000 meters above sea level, raised in extensive plains of grasslands free of all contamination, where the ichu rich in protein content grows. This has made alpaca fiber one of the most sought-after fibers for fashion and the production of fine garments worldwide, surpassing sheep and cashmere wool in quality. Among the qualities that make it so special are the following: 1. Strength and Elasticity: Compared to sheep wool, alpaca fiber is finer and 03 times more resistant, despite the fineness of the hair. This is because the alpacas were raised with good nutrition in pastures free of pesticides and pollution, especially in the Andes of Peru at more than 3,500 meters above sea level. 2. Soft and light: The Alpaca fiber is fine, between 12 and 28 microns, this means that it does not cause itching when in contact with the skin.
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